Saturday, April 17, 2010


(Mindy actually sent this email a couple of weeks ago 4/7/10 but I forgot to post it - so here it is a little late. sorry!)

Hello my wonderful everyone!!!!!!!!
Life is great, and i am in Russia which makes things even better!!!! Yes mom i do think time has spead up. Time is flying by!! Mom you GRADUATE next week!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH thats so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so excited for you. Send me lots of pictures of it. You are amazing mom!!
So this week has been great. We found 2 new investigators this last week. One of them we still arent sure how interested she is, our first meeting was a little weird and she is a little interesting, but she said she would meet again, so we will see what happens. But the other new investigator is Anna, she is 15 and is awesome!!! She is GREAT!!!! Her older sister is a member, but right now leaves in Germany for school. We have had 2 meetings with Anna and she has accepted everything we have taught her and really wants to learn more. I see alot of potential with her and i think she will be ready to set a baptismal date soon. She has started to read the book of mormon and really likes it too. Im so excited about her. Our next meeting with her is tomorrow. Another lady named Nastia we are started to meet with. Her husband is in the branch presidency and she comes to church with him. They have 2 little kids that are just adorable. Anyway she is great and i very nice lady. They are only like in their late 20s. We had FHE with them on Monday and we talked about families and what our church belives about families. It was great. At the end we ask her if she was interested in meeting, but she said "well i have my husband to answer my questions." yeah we were sad about that. Her husband isnt doing much though to helping her learn more about the gospel and to get baptized. So we need to work with him and help him see how important it is that he talks her about the gospel so she will want to get baptized so they can recieve the blessing of being together forever.
So we get to watch conference this weekend. We watch it a week later here because we have to wait to get the russian traslation for the branch. We will watch it in english though, it is better because we can actually hear their voices and not someother persons voice. I am so excited though, i have heard it was great! We also have zone conference this week, which is always great.
The pictures are of my zone decorating eggs for easter, the train station in Irkutsk, me and a girl named Angelina from the branch with Charlie Chaplin, me with Alexander II and Stalin haha they were in Moscow, me with my companion and Angelina. Enjoy!
i love you all so so so much and hope you have a great week!!
Сестра найдинг

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