Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21, 2009

HELLOOOOOOO my wonderful family!!!! I miss you all so much, but not enough to make me homesick and want to come home. haha sorry. Well it's amazing here, I have loved every moment being here. As soon as I walked in the front doors after saying goodbye to you, I just felt at home. Before arriving I thought I would be lost and not know what to do or where to go, oh was I wrong. This place is so organized. As soon as I walked in I was directed exactly where I needed to go, I never had to ask for help. Right after walking in I got my tag, it has Cectpa Gneiting (pronounced sestra) and then the church of jesus chirst of... and thats all in Russian. I would type how it is spelled, but I dont know how to type on the computer in Russian yet. I do know how to say it though!! Russian is coming along, actually very well. Its amazing how much we have learned in only 5 actually days of class. I know how to introduce myself, meet someone, share my testimony, pray, contact someone on the street about the gospel, and then just random words and things to say. So its coming along. There is a huge group of elder/sister going to Russia. There are 2 other sisters going to my mission, and then a bunch of elders going there too. There are missionaries going to Russia that have been here so 6 weeks and their Russian is so good, so I am looking forward to when I can talk like that!!!!
The spirit is amazing here, you feel it everywhere! We are in class basically all day long, and if I was anywhere else that would be the worst thing ever, but because the spirit is in class with us and because what we are learning is the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, every minute in class is amazing! So is is my schedule for every day except sunday and pday is: wake up, eat breakfast, go to class, eat lunch, go to class, eat dinner, go to class, go to bed!!!! haha yup thats basically it, but it great, I love it. We actually have gym time every day too, which oh man i love love love that! I am so determined not to gain ANY weight while being here, so I eat at the salad bar bascally every meal and I work out everyday! The only thing i dont like about gym is that they have this rediculous rule that in basketball only sisters can guard sisters and only elder can guard elders, and just my luck there are no other sister in my gym time that can play bball. I played one day and another sister agreed to play with me, she wasnt very good so I was able to score a lot of points. Soon though i felt like the elders were just using me to win haha cuz as long as i got the ball i usually scored. So I started passing the ball even if I had a wide open shot or drive, I will not be used haha. I just dont like that rule, but oh well.
well my time is almost up, so i love you all!! Please write me cuz first of all i love hearing from you and second of all one elder in my district get like 20 letters a day and packages!
Im so thankful for being a missionary and learning and growing so much! the gospel is so totally true. I would share more of my testimony but i have 50 seconds!!

love you sooooooo much
Cectpa Gneiting

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